NEWZ002 Military Evacuation

Marines Peeing on Dead Bodies; Same Sex Marriages in Canada; Internet Filtering in Netherlands; Chile and the Pinochet 'regime'

After a week of surprising and some less than impressive developments around the world, Tim and Mark are back to dissect some of the stuff spit out by the news machine. Over in Afghanistan, the US military has a new Abu Ghraib embarrassment on their hands, with a new video of Marines urinating on dead bodies making headlines. Meanwhile another government on the other side of the world is engaging in some shocking behavior, the Canadian Federal Government is now arguing that thousands of same-sex marriages carried out since 2004 are actually illegal. Then comes the filtering, as the Dutch government tells ISP's to block The Pirate Bay, the Chilean government seems to have created a new filter for history books. What will become of the Pirate Bay and what's the difference between uncle Pinochet's dictatorship and his regime? All this and you never know what else, on this latest rundown by Newz of the World.

Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
Tim Pritlove


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