NEWZ014 Mutually Assured Destruction

UN and Syria reach an agreement, again; India successfully test fires new ICBM; Africa undersea cables for 2013; Update from the comments regarding North Korea; Cory Doctorow video on 'The War on Computing'

We keep coming back to certain topics but continually bring up new ones too but more than anything we appreciate alert listeners who not only find the errors but also report them. So we put in some feedback in as it allows us to talk more about North Korea, our most favorite dictatorship. Apart from that we ramble on about the UN and Syria on their never ending quest to find common ground and we report on India's successful embarking into the cold war of the 21st century. We take a closer look at recent and upcoming developments around Africa's Internet connectivity and recommend others join the debate around Cory Doctorow's comments on the "war on computing".

Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
Tim Pritlove
